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Dungeons: A Heroes NFT Collection

Play your Hero in the Dungeons! Fight Rats, Skeletons, and the Hordes! Get Gold, Experience, and Loot! Beat Merlin's Challenge… …and later… Save the kingdom!

Each Dungeon NFT is a programatically generated image created from the on-chain map data of the Crypts and Caverns NFTs. Using the map metadata stored on-chain we've written code to create re-skinned tile sets in the Heroes universe. Using the “biomes” of each dungeon as “environments” in the Heroes universe and honoring the “doors” and “points of interest” markers, re-interpreted for the Heroes universe.

Dungeons will be the first playable experience leading into the larger Heroes Kingdom. In the first instance Heroes will fight waves of skeletons, rats, and hordes in the dungeons to earn experience points and gold. You will also be able to earn resources which help you craft items later on. The first iteration of crafting will include items from the Loot NFT collection.

Créé le
May 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Environment: Stone temple