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Mr. Drug  Dealer


Mr.Drug Dealer is an international project and grows over time. The collection includes 600 NFTs.

In this project, we want to challenge the name and character of the Mr. Drug dealer.

Everyone needs a drug dealer for giving a special gift to themselves and drug dealer the best special gifts provider, he recovers your body so that you can return to work with power.

In this collection, Mr. Drug Dealer has two styles. The original style, which the body style is fixed, and the delivery style, which changes in order to show the drug.

In my country his name is Saghi and everyone loves their Saghi, both in the world of light and in the real world. Choose your drug dealer and enjoy your moment.

Road Map: All levels are fixed prices and each purchase includes two NFT. By purchasing Drag Dealer, you will receive another version of it along with the item.

1 NFT = 1 GIFT

Warning! Out of 10 pieces given as a gift, only the second version can be purchased and there is no gift

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Créé le
Oct 2021
Revenus de création
En pause