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Disintegration by Terry Gates

Re-imaging Epics' video game heroes as a diverse set of metahumans, Terry created a cinematic collection exploring the intersection of cgi cinema, beauty and gaming. Capturing dynamic moments and expressions as though mid battle the characters wear psychedelic make up. The collection explores ideas of ego dissolution, dematerialization breaking apart of the mind as it travels through virtual worlds in a dream vortex.

Terry Gates creates digital art through several mediums including 3D, AI, fractal mathematics and immersive photography. With a focus on fashion and beauty, his previous clients include Australian Vogue, Singapore Vogue, L'Oreal, Saks Fifth Ave, Bloomingdales and many more. In addition he is the creator of  Vogue's first virtual influencer and has rendered artwork of Lil Miquela for her single "Masterpiece".

Créé le
Apr 2023
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