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The world’s first ever black & white, hand-drawn, NFT comics and illustrations, based on the lives of domestic pets. Real-life events from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Dabbu NFT is NOT a programmatically generated project. NONE of the individual bases (characters) and assets (objects / traits / surroundings) of a particular piece is replicated in another piece.

Permutations and combinations are NOT used as part of algorithms to randomly generate the subsequent pieces. Instead, each artwork (and subsequently, each final NFT) is individually crafted using hours of effort. Comics and illustrations are the original paper pieces that were hand-drawn years ago. They are now digitalized and can be minted as NFT.

To wrap it up, the rarity of Dabbu NFT is not only on the pieces. The rarity is on the ENTIRE PROJECT itself. A top tier of the 1/1 NFT collection. Brought to you by blacwhite

Créé le
Dec 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Title block: Dabbu's family