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Cosmic Sloths

Cosmic Sloths, The Theridae were born in space. Literally. The initial pair of "Therii” were made as the first helpers and hands of the Creator. Their purpose was to engineer, mine and tend to the early development and implementation of the initially pristine galactic garden we call home. The Therii' were given the internal tools, knowledge and a deadline (from a Boss NOT to be disappointed). They were hyperactive in movement and efficiency. A millennium was but a moment to the Therii and their work passed quickly. They performed above expectations and ahead of "schedule". When asked of their desire for reward (though already known by their omnipotent Boss), the Therii requested a "corporeal, unhurried existence in an environment warmer than the void in which we have toiled (space)". The Therii were renamed and deposited on the 3rd rock from the sun within their last System Initialization. The Creator has a sense of humor...

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Créé le
Mar 2022
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