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City of  Shadows

From a young age, I’ve been fascinated with the night. I was probably the only kid on the planet who looked forward to the end of summer. Autumn brought on less daylight, and I could venture out to my favorite hiding spots in the neighborhood under the cover of nightfall. City of Shadows explores my continued intrigue with the dark through silhouettes and mysterious imagery.

I began wandering the streets of Chicago with my camera in 2018 and quickly found the hours between sunset and sunrise the most interesting. A night owl at heart, my evening sessions became meditative. With time, I began to feel light and shadow, not just see it.

City of Shadows is a collection of editions. 4 images - 10 editions each, executed on an ERC-1155 manifold smart contract.

Upon sellout of all 40 editions, I will airdrop an unreleased 1/1 to a collector chosen at random. The 1/1 will not be shared before sellout. Yes, it will be a surprise, because who doesn’t like a good surprise.

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Jul 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Lens: Sigma 85mm f/1.4 art