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The BrainBlots Collection is made of exclusive BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) generated art pieces minted on the blockchain as a limited edition EEG (Electroencephalography) NFT (Non-Fungible Token) featuring 200+ people doing what they love across Toronto, Boston, and NYC. Fun fact: it was debuted as the world's 1st mind-controlled art piece on a Times Square Billboard in NFT NYC 2022. This project intersects neurotechnology with interactive computer graphic art to evolve the next wave of touchless technologies driven by brain health directly. Powered by EEG technology, the BrainBlot's pixels draw a unique rorschach-inspired inkblot straight from your brainwaves. As a student trio, we aim to use our neuroscience and computer science knowledge to create a "Self-Impressionism" art genre where “when you stare into your mind, the mind stares back at you [with BrainBlots.]”

Créé le
Mar 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Neurotechnology: Muse s