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BeyondNFT [Ethereum]

BeyondNFT is an open platform to Create, Sell and Buy Interactive NFTs.

An NFT that is a Game? Interactive Art? Generative Art? A music player? A Drumbox? An NFT you can really interact with? Or one that changes depending on its owner?

All those already exist and can be fully experienced on

Join us to make some music, play some games or be amazed by live generative art!

This present collection is the one located on Ethereum Mainnet, but creators can create NFTs on Ethereum, Polygon (ex-Matic) or xDai, giving a lot of flexibility in term of network choice and minting costs (BeyondNFT takes the cost of minting on xDai and Polygon).

BeyondNFT is an Open Platform, meaning anyone can mint. So please, never forget: Do Your Own Research

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Mar 2021
Revenus de création
  • Category: Games