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BeanDAO NFT is a collection of 3,000 Chinese ideographs. Each NFT is unique and stored on Polygon chain. All BeanDAO NFT holders are the members of BeanDAO community. Initial price is 0.06 ETH each (until Sept 30th, 2022). Eth, DAI or USDC are all accepted. BeanDAO is the first decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) of direct/pure democracy. All major decisions are made by the community and all future profits and benefits belong to all members. Everyone is equal to each other. No leaders, no core members and no representatives. Long term run is our priority. Our mission is to be a community of direct democracy for centuries. With BeanDAO NFT A Series, you're not only obtaining an ideograph avatar, but also membership of an important community of direct democracy on long-term run. You'll definitely benefit from it by receiving airdrops and sharing its future profits, from group discussion and community investment practice and many other things.

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Dec 2021
Revenus de création
En pause