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Angels vs Demons OG

A collection of pixelated Angel and Demon warriors that give you access to our Twitter battles and our upcoming website! Claimable via OpenSea reservations either by personal invitation or community recruitments. Special offers and limited-time listings via our Twitter page.

Angels vs Demons gives you the chance to participate in the eternal battle between good and evil! Claim your warrior and join us on Twitter to start engaging in battles! You start with your soldier (Angel/Demon) and you fight your way up to an Officer, (Archangel/Archdemon) where you can then initiate more wars and recruit more members to your faction. The most decorated officers get promoted to a faction Leader (PureOne/UnrighteousOne), the highest rank of all; Leaders can initiate rescue missions or decide to condemn a prisoner! Join us now and meet us on the battlefield!

Créé le
Dec 2021
Revenus de création
  • Angel skin: Red