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All stars collection

This collection - is my interpretations of great women. Each of these women influenced me to one degree or another. I want to share with you a piece of how I perceive these wonderful women. I think each of them left a mark on our hearts.

Ozzy Art is a page of an artist from Ukraine. Greetings and glad to share my creativity in this space! I started my career as a watercolor artist, but now digital painting has completely captured me, and I use some of the watercolor techniques in my digital paintings. I am also a tattoo artist using graphic technique. I have my own dance school in Ukraine, I am a choreographer and director with over 10 years of experience. After living for about a year in Asian countries, I became interested in yoga, meditation and veganism. All of this influenced me greatly, and it may be reflected in some of my works. The collection ideas I create often come to me in meditation. I take from the Universe all the best that it can show me, and I share it with you.

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Mar 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Style: Watercolor