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For this limited series of 15 images, I combined photos I took of the desert in Joshua Tree with images from the Hubble Space Telescope. While both landscape and spacescape create a sense of expansiveness and possibility, the contrast in scale reminds us of our relative smallness in the bigger picture.

The utopian aesthetic is reminiscent of early sci-fi, like the original Star-Trek I grew up watching, where California deserts were stand-ins for other worlds.

By offering this series exclusively on the blockchain, I am drawing a connection between those utopian ideals and the post-scarcity economic ideas of the crypto community.

Purchasers receive a complimentary 16" x 24" pigment print. Contact me @r_vanderhout

Ryan Van Der Hout (b. 1987) is a photo-based artist working in Toronto. His work has been widely published including in The Huffington Post, Vogue Italia and Readers Digest. His work has been exhibited internationally in museum and commercial exhibitions.

Créé le
Feb 2021
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