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90 Miles

90 Miles is a post-photography, A.I. reportage illustration experiment by MCB, curated by Blockbird, exploring historical events and realities of Cuban life that have motivated Cubans to cross the 90 miles of ocean separating Havana from Florida.

Since 1961, after Fidel Castro came to power and following the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis, every year thousands of Cubans cross the 90 miles of ocean that separates Havana from Florida. In 2022, Cuba experienced its largest exodus since the 1980s due to an ongoing economic crisis, with soaring inflation alongside shortages of food and medicine.

The Cubans who attempt the crossing are incredibly resourceful, as necessary to the journey and as reflected in the rafts and boats often assembled from inner tubes, random pieces of wood and plastic, household supplies, etc.

To learn more visit

Créé le
Apr 2023
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Collection: 90 miles