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Zentaurios Legacy NFTs

These NFTs act as authentication tokens to the Zentaurios Decentralized Network and Ecosystem

Zentaurios is a Decentralized Network for Artist , Web3 creators, Content Creators, Education, Professional Networks, Non-profits, Community, Community Development , Private , Corporate , Developers etc.

It’s no secret that entrepreneurs and brands are making more money than ever before in the online learning space, in many ways, we also feel this is just the beginning.

Online learning has huge opportunities to grow and evolve – especially when it comes to connection/community learning styles.

They come for content, but stay for community.

Read more at:

**The images in the OpenSea Banner and Featured Image are from the test collection of Zentaurios Legacy NFTs. While the logic of the traits remained the same, there is no guarantee the images in the banner or featured images were rendered into the NFT collection.

Creado el
Feb 2023
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