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Hi I am w00k66 maker of various creations. At a young age I got a paper cut and bled creative juice. Needless to say the excretions got about ankle deep in the classroom. I was asked to take a time out and took a pencil and paper and illustrated my imagination. In this realm time out is not a punishment. It is just like serenity and silly hat wearing and strange dance moves. I have another collection in opensea...but I am a noob at Crypto art and Hope I can live my dream of being in a permanent time out with my art supplies. I have many friends in various creative communities we decided to call the gatherings THE PROCRASTINATI. Illuminati levels of procrastination are actually a mental health asset. We gather and share art supplies Be kind to you and all living creatures known and unknown. I hope you enjoy my art.

Creado el
Apr 2021
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Artist: W00k66 willio