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A visual "Fine Art" collection tokenized to the Ethereum blockchain in 2018 by the artist Verdandi.

Victoria Verdandi is the first female "solo artist" to have programmed and tokenized her own NFTs to the Ethereum blockchain in 2017. The "Legacy Collection" comprises seven of her works tokenized in 2018. Two of her early NFTs are now in the permanent collection of SAMFA (San Angelo Museum of Fine Art) as both historically and culturally significant.

NOTE: The original 2018 tokens are "wrapped" in this new ERC721 contract by the artist herself. This allows you to own the original 2018 tokens while giving you all the functionality of modern NFTs

Creado el
Feb 2022
Ganancias del creador
  • Erc20: 0x2e8ee29af56f48c2caf042ab2adae1c4ef8710d8