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The Veil Of Eminence

The Veil Of Eminence

This is a collection of 7 1/1 photographs of Key Monastery which is an 11th century Tibetan Buddhist Monastery in Himachal Pradesh, India photographed over the span of 7 years from 2016-2022, by Arun Hegden.

Reaching Spiti takes 36-48 hours through treacherous roads, and a strenuous climb of 30 minutes in the cold/ dusty winds through thin air, at an altitude of 12,000 ft which is really challenging.

As a person who lived majority of my life in the tropical land, I struggled everytime reaching here, having breathlessness, mild to heavy headache, bad stomach and acid reflux.. on almost all trips.

But the photographer in me kept pushing every time as I believe as great images are made out of your comfort zones. The challenge here was to create entirely different images of same place.

I have shot the monastery in different angles, different seasons, different lighting conditions, using different sky elements to achieve the same.

Creado el
Mar 2022
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  • Extras: Moon