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TamaDoge Pets

Created by Sanelle Nel

Socials TamaDoge Pets | TamaDoge Twitter | TamaDoge Discord | TamaDoge Instagram

Tamadoge Pets is an organic community-driven collection of 4K randomly generated NFTS on the Polygon blockchain. Our goal is to build a community of adopted fwends on the Metaverse. An adoption not only gets you lifelong love from you fwend but Dogedrip, collectibles for minting with your NFT for dress-up, play-time and tweat time and donations to Tears Animal Shelter in Cape Town, South Africa.

Our 2022 roadmap in Version 1.0 is all about building a community of fwends, releasing cute merchandise and releasing our virtual playdates where adopters will be able to mint their adopted fwend with leaderboard rankings in rarity for awesome giveaways. Our roadmap 2.0 will be announced later in 2022!

Creado el
Jan 2022
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Keychains: Prawn