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The course of action in primal life is always — either to foresee and prepare for the worst or think the current is the best and simply repeat. Our Legendary Apes heading the $uper Ape University ($AU), trained our Teen Apes to master Super Powers that can be strategically put into action when the Apeventura City is faced with any jeopardy — that of a mix and match or a do or die.

But just as how the circle of life works, an extensive internal conflict between the ‘LEGENDARY’ Apes arises; forcing the disciples aka the Teen Apes to choose between the side of protection and the side of destruction towards — that’s right — the Apeventura City!

It seems the only way to end an outside war is to end the inner war. But when the war is between the closest and the mightiest and it has already begun — will your choice be to — Wait and Watch or Revolt and Revenge ?

Creado el
Apr 2022
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Eye: Betrayal