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STATIC DISPERSALS & RECONSTRUCTED FABLES BY LEGIO X - STATIC DISPERSALS & RECONSTRUCTED FABLES is a 32-piece series that emerges as an inquiry into the intersections of auditory heritage and visual futurism. This deliberate choice of words, a playful twist on the album titled "Static Disposal" by an obscure mid-70s acid-punk ensemble named Debris, serves as a bridge between the ephemeral and the eternal, a nod to an album that, according to legend, was recorded in one afternoon under the influence of LSD.

But the resonance of "Static Dispersals" extends beyond homage, echoing the foundational principles of "Stable Diffusion" in a serendipitous convergence of initials (S.D.), hinting at the chaotic coherence that underpins the artist's work. The engine of LEGIO X's race car, a metaphor for Stable Diffusion, powers the dynamic visual narratives that unfold across the canvas, each frame a testament to the unseen forces that drive creativity.

Creado el
Mar 2024
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Format: Aspect ratio: 16:9