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SnoDogs Genesis Collection

The SnoDogs NFT is the first cohort of Phygital Learners with the Salvation Army in February 2022. Adults set up digital wallets with My Crypto Advisor, and students worked with Whelmness Productions to design SnoDogs character cards with names, traits and descriptions generated from an online form and ad-lib exercise. Cards granted access to ski lessons from SkiWithMe at Willard Mountain in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Our volunteer resources continue to grow, with 3 new cohorts in 2023. The purchase of SnoDogs NFTs directly funds the continuation of this program in introducing communities to web3 and skiing, two industries historically reserved for the privileged.

Our future goals include integrating geocaching and A/R with resort providers to promote year round physical activity.

Creado el
Oct 2022
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  • Background: Dusk