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Shameless by Arthoebirdie

(or by Dirty Birdie, I can't tell what I like better, lol)

Introducing my Shameless collection!!

My community building project thats 2/3 free, 1/3 .0111 ETH to cover gas for the 2/3!

This collection is based on gendered insults & words (& not all will be necessarily bad! but can still hold some micro-aggressions), & also just insults & labels in general that are used to ridicule people because you're an asshat.

Fck toxic Masculinity, Fck sexism, fck labels, fck shaming, and if you don't like that then f*ck you, too, lol.

Ignore the labels given to you or wear them proudly!


  1. Build community & make friends (you better follow me on Twitter.. or else... unless you're one of the lurkers then you get a pass)
  2. Hopefully secondary will take care of me-- PLS ONLY RESELL ON OS, bc royalties!
  3. Maybe drive traffic to my other collections
  4. uh, & obviously be a loud AF feminist.

but if all else fails, I still made friends & got some angry men's ✨panties✨ in a twist!

Creado el
Apr 2022
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Word: Guys like it better when