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Rug Radio Host Pass

Rug Radioᴳᴹ is the first fully decentralized media platform. What does this mean? It means that our community, our hosts, and you own the platform you participate in. Why is it important? Because we need to own the memes, the conversations and the narrative.

To enable a truly decentralised ecosystem our hosts and content creators must own the content they create, and be fairly rewarded from the value that content creates in the marketplace. Your Rug Radio Host Pass is designed to help you achieve both of these.

PLEASE NOTE: Hold one of these tokens does not guarantee participation, Rug Radio Hosts passes are generated by the RUGDAO and purchasing them on the secondary market does not secure you a show on the schedule or participation in the ecosystem. To find out more about becoming a host, visit

Creado el
Jan 2022
Ganancias del creador
  • Show: Weekly