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A Remodelled Earth

Our world has been divided by territories that human beings fictitiously form their realms to show their long-standing domination. The world's history records endless battles that scrambled for space to show ownership of the world. But actually, the world is formed by the fusion of nature, mixed people from various nationalities, and a blend of differentiation in civilisation and ways of life, not caused by the imaginary line of each country.

Maybe it's time to focus our attitude on the new idea that there is only "one world." There is no distinction between east and west. There is no boundary demarcation for any nation. There is only one world to live in freedom as a global citizen. The artist, therefore, presents his idea via a collection of conceptual art photography, "A Remodelled Earth", by superimposing images of significant landmarks from various cities to create a new spectacular townscape set in a borderless world and rename it by merging the two original names.

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Creado el
Mar 2022
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  • Location: France | scotland