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Rainbow Rug Pull Warriors Club

Disclaimer: this is not a real NFT project. It was created to raise awareness on NFT scams. Visit for more details.

Rainbow Rug Pull Warriors Club is a collection of 9,999 goodness infused NFTs living in the heart of the metaverse. Your Rainbow Rug Pull Warriors Club NFT doubles as your exclusive Rainbow Rug Pull Warrior Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to our MMO metaverse crypto mining NFT breeding game! 200% Guaranteed to make you a millionaire in only 3 days!


Our roadmap vision is to create an amazing project that will fix ALL major global issues plaguing the world! Through the untapped power of rainbows, we will fix world hunger, clean up our oceans, make our NFT holders rich, and open the world’s first DAO 100% free theme park to spread joy and happiness!

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Creado el
Mar 2022
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  • Colour: Golden