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PasokonWorld - Official

Update 13042023 vc found.

The biggest pain point that we (NFF) and every other creator has faced is the painfully slow and antiquated gate-keeper models in traditional Hollywood. Our vision brings about what we believe to be the next market-shift catalyst to online viewership using peer-to-peer payments and advertising rev-share with the audiences who help creators build their brands. Ad Revenue should be shared using ‘CVP’ amongst the entire financial ecosystem supporting the media.

Youtube and Twitch both target consumers based off of their viewershing behavior and aggregated data across their platforms. Most people are well aware that in today’s world if you don’t pay for a software service it’s because you are the product. By offering the consumer the choice to opt out of any advertisement and pay for content directly, or get paid for their attention by the advertisers, who support their favorite channels, we are empowering consumers to reclaim their digital identity and agency.

Creado el
Nov 2022
Ganancias del creador
  • Special: Ordinary