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Mighty Manateez

Mighty Manateez has it's own currency (ERC20) called $ALGAE - future mints will rely on how much $ALGAE you own. To earn $ALGAE you must own some of our comic books - the more you own the more you earn, the best part is that the comic book is only 0.01E and is still minting on our website!.

Mighty Manateez is a community project dedicated to raising awareness and support for Through our secondary sales we will adopt as many endangered Manatees as possible whilst adding further value to the project and our community. Still to come:

  • A comic book NFT with an original story and original comic art by a New York Times artist DONE!
  • A Merch Pass for exclusive high quality Manatee Merch DONE
  • The ALGAE token (features TBA) DONE
  • Cybersea, a top down action RPG game - Coming Q1 2022!
Creado el
Aug 2021
Ganancias del creador
  • Clothes: 20s bathing suit