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Matrices by Andreas Gysin & Sidi Vanetti

“Matrices” is an ongoing series of projects conceived to run on a physical LED display with a resolution of 64×64 pixels.

In “Recursive Tile” an 8x8 tile is repeatedly used to form the larger composition of itself. The recursive algorithm replicates the succession of a series of abstract compositions in motion.

“64 Pixels” explores a series of geometric compositions using only 64 lit pixels at at time.

Realtime, JavaScript and WebGL, variable dimensions, web-app ready.

Keyboard controls:

f : fullscreen window c : hide cursor p : export a frame (PNG) 1 : scale to 1:1 physical pixel

Note: some additional parameters can be set through the URL query string (see html for details).

Collectors have the option of acquiring a physical 32×32×3 cm LED display with custom electronics and software to run the project.

Creado el
Jun 2023
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Artwork: Recursive tile