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Anthony Lister - /MEDIA/

The /MEDIA/ project marks Anthony Lister's bold foray into media art, amplifying his transformative impact from contemporary painting to the digital sphere. Renowned for pioneering work that blends street art with fine art, Lister's new initiative is poised to disrupt the media art sector. Each month features the release of a new, limited-edition piece, underscoring Lister's unyielding ambition to challenge and redefine artistic norms. These works are complex, layered compositions that resonate with Lister's signature raw energy. Initial editions are capped at 10 and will gradually increase. Ownership secures priority for upcoming releases, making this both an art investment and a stake in a vision set to revolutionize media art. This is a sustained endeavor, the next phase in an already distinguished career. For more, visit SHDW Gallery.

Creado el
Oct 2023
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