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When we "Infer" we conclude from evidence and reasoning, a process that as humans living with constant change and imperfect information, we all know too well.

Do machines infer? Does AI infer?

"Inferences" were created using original 1/1 art by Wasabi, further transformed by AI to create images resembling otherworldly, intimate environments with an intentional visual association to our inner-workings: the brain.

As an artist Wasabi is fascinated by how we, humans (and particularly our minds), thrive alongside technology that evolves at an accelerating rate as our own biology follows a significantly slower evolutionary timeline. There are reasons to be optimistic: history is full of stories of our ability to learn and adapt.

The optimism and exploratory nature of this personal and collective journey is represented both literally and metaphorically in the collection through bold uses of color and winding forms.

Creado el
Feb 2023
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