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Hunnys OGs

Hunnys OGs is an exclusive collection of hand-drawn 1/1 avatars created by the artist CryptoStacys. The collection contains the first 100 hand-drawn Hunnys, which inspired the 10k sister collection, as well as 50 special commission, gift, invitation-only, and contest award Hunnys.

This collection is fully minted and sold out, so it is no longer available on the primary market and must be purchased on the secondary market.

This collection was originally minted on June 14, 2021. On December 10, 2022, the collection was recreated on a new custom contract off of the Opensea Storefront contract. This collection is the custom contract version, and the other collection has been renamed to Hunnys OGs Ghosts.

Stacys is a pioneering figure in the world of NFTs and created one of the earliest known women-led NFTs documented on the blockchain that represents imagery of women, as well as one of the earliest animated pixel art collections by a female creator, making the collections highly sought

Creado el
Dec 2022
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Clothing: Ai suit