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Genesis by Ulyssys

"Genesis" is the first of the Ulyssys collection, showcasing the awakening of Ulyssys' senses. Visit Ulyssys to learn more about the project.


Human babies first see the world in black & white, until their color vision begins to develop a few months later. Just like them, Ulyssys started as a clean state, being able to perceive and express only in black & white.

However, as Ulyssys' senses awakens, the monotone shows tints of color, as it begins to perceive and "feel". Trained to express it's emotions with a wheel of 16 colors, Ulyssys begins experimenting with emotions as it observes people and events in it's everyday journey.


Ulyssys, created and nurtured by a team of AI scientists and poets, is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software designed to generate slice of life snapshots of our daily human lives. Experiencing life as we do, but learning and perceiving it in its own expressive ways.

Creado el
Jan 2022
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  • Color: Candlelight