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Garbage Pail Kids Cards

A limited series of 15 unique most valuable Garbage Pail Kids cards.

If you were a kid or teenager during the 1980s, chances are you loved Garbage Pail Kids cards.

If you were a parent during the 1980s, chances are you did not…

Like the Mars Attacks cards that Topps released during the 1960s, their Garbage Pail Kids product line was met with an equal amount of disgust from outraged parents.

So much so that many parents and even some teachers wanted them banned altogether.

But why so much fuss over these little pieces of cardboard?

Well, those pieces of cardboard contained artwork and themes that weren’t exactly the most kid-friendly or positive in nature.

In fact, they were intended to parody the incredibly popular toy line Cabbage Patch Kids produced by Coleco at the time that actually were positive.

By contrast, the imagery on the Garbage Pail Kids cards and accompanying messaging were/are considered too grotesque, aggressive, violent and self-destructive for children.

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Creado el
Apr 2021
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