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In the enchanting world of Exzidia, the Furs were once beloved and gentle creatures, spreading joy and harmony throughout the realm. However, an unfortunate turn of events has altered their nature. As toxic gases infiltrate the air, these once-adorable furs have undergone a dark transformation, their innocence twisted into malevolence. The very essence that once made Exzidia a realm of wonder and beauty is now tainted by their corrupted presence.

With each passing day, Exzidia grows darker, its once-vibrant colors fading into shadows. The Furs, now driven by a newfound darkness, seek to disrupt the delicate balance and spread chaos. Their mutations have granted them sinister powers, enabling them to sow discord and manipulate the very fabric of Exzidia. As the Furs succumb to their malevolent instincts, the fate of this once-peaceful realm hangs in the balance, with only a glimmer of hope remaining for its restoration.

Creado el
Jul 2023
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