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Facebook Php Phishing Code

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b27bfbb894 Great! You chose your website, now you have to get the login's page source code. I do not know if this sounds scary or not, but it is very simple. You just have to right click anywhere on the page then click View Page Source. Maybe you were wondering why did we put post.php in the code there?We did that so when someone will actually click the Submit button, the site will execute our script written in post.phpBut we still do not have a post.php, so we have to create one. Just open another notepad, and paste this script in Ive done all the steps, but when i try to test it by typing a gmail and password in the fake facebook page and press 'Log In' I get "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ',' or ')' in /storage/ssd4/571/15724571/public_html/post.php on line 2" as a redirect and when i check my my .txt file i don't see the user password only email'id is shown. Phishing is a type of dec

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Mar 2023
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