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Temporals by EXTROPY

Temporals explores the fluidity and impermanence of human memories. It is a simulation of memories that unfold over a period of 512 days, capturing the essence of ephemerality.

A series of 222 artworks, each piece is loosely inspired by the artist duo's collective personal memories. It documents everyday life, moments of joy and sadness, dreams, nightmares, and wishes. It is a peek into the lives of the artists and an invitation to a collective shared experience with each passing phase, with each piece transforming two to five times.

Intentionally used distinct visual styles allow the artists to articulate the progression of each individual experience. Evolving metadata and traits documented here are in line with the transient nature of said memories, whilst also commenting on the mutability that exists in the blockchain-based art realm. Once a piece changes, collectors will no longer have access to the previous image.

Creado el
Feb 2024
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Type: Promesa