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Elon MUSK versus Jeff BEZOS - The first $Crypto Battle ever

Elon & Jeff have been fighting each other for the last 20 years – on earth with their companies, in space with their spaceships, and to be the first to reach Mars to see who’s got the biggest 😉

The time has come to split them with a 2 coins crypto-battle: $ELONM vs $JEFF 🚀

HODLing their coins is the key to participate to the first NFT space conquest - to find and unlock a 1 million USDT treasure and to send NFTs to Mars.

All rules on

SpaceTech Venture is the first space tech startups crypto-accelerator. We support and finance companies of the space industry.

“Our vision is to gather talents around the world, coach and finance them in order to send them in orbit, to space, to the Moon, Mars and beyond ! We find your startup and pay your golden ticket to go to space.“ says STVX CEO.

Our short term goal: launch 1 project per month to space mid-2022.

All NFT revenues go to the financing of space tech startups.

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Creado el
Aug 2021
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