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The DISOBEYPUNKS is a collection of 7,000 unique Hand drawn, Pop art-based NFTs living on the Polygon blockchain. A community-driven project featuring art by CiCK (The artist behind Punkedups, ElonMonst). -DISOBEYPUNKS come in a mysterious range of colors, traits and the most important thing, A PUNK SOUL! Because true PUNKS are the DISOBEY ONES; We want to fight with the big brother (CryptoPunks) in the most artistic way, join the army of DISOBEYPUNKS and help us start the revolution against BIG BROTHER. - As long as we are separated, we’re powerless and obedient; but when we become one, we’re undefeatable—the disobedient ones.- “Because there is one bread, we who are many, are one body, since all of us share the one bread.” (1C, 10:17)- Check your Rarity/Rank with Rarityranks: -- -- *We just got our first blue chip on TufoNFT : --

Creado el
Jan 2022
Ganancias del creador
  • Cickret: Blue pill