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Unravelling: Consensus Heartbeats

To experience each piece in its entirety, please use headphones and use the website link in the upper right corner of each piece.

All organic creatures have hearts. A heart beats faster as a function of physical exertion or fear. When a gazelle encounters a lion, its heart rapidly increases in beating frequency to pump sufficient oxygen through the cardiovascular system to escape.

What about synthetic creatures? Does Ethereum have a heart? If so, can we measure it?

Each Consensus Heartbeat is a story of the historical activity of the EVM. Consensus Heartbeats are an interactive on-chain generative art project and are the second project in the Unravelling set (

The first project was Void Attractors (

Creado el
Oct 2021
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • Heart shape: 1.15