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ChainFaces Arena

ChainFaces Arena is the successor to the original on-chain generative ASCII text faces.

In January of 2022, there was a month long tournament aka "The Arena" where 17031 ChainFaces entered to compete for a pool of millions of dollars. 12775 heroic faces died in the arena and are now gone forever from the circulating supply. For the 4256 faces that survived, they were awarded with generative scars applied to their face for every 10 rounds they were able to stay in the arena. All code for generation and creation of ChainFaces and the arena exists fully on chain.

current circulating supply: 12295

chainfaces locked forever in HD: 1899

chainfaces locked forever in graveyard: 12775

hd: 0x55b3bd7c074ccb74a245d2546273ba690647e8db

graveyard: 0x7039D65E346FDEEBbc72514D718C88699c74ba4b

Creado el
Jan 2022
Ganancias del creador
  • Left face: