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Anthos by Pip

Anthos (‘Flower’ in Ancient Greek) is a photographic collection of 75 unique 1/1 fine art pieces.

A universal symbol of both life and death, flowers have held cultural and spiritual significance across the world throughout history. Enshrined in mythology and countless seminal works of art, their ephemeral aura and fragile beauty have made them an elemental icon of nature’s hold on the human experience. With a legacy of a quarter of a billion years on Earth, wherever there is light, they will always bloom. An eternal source of solace and inspiration, the flower endures as a symbol of the unending chaos, elegance and mystery of the natural world.

Shot over 75 days on medium format B&W film, Anthos is a monochromatic study of floral anatomy, an exhibition of photographic craft and a love letter to the analogue masters who paved the way.

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” - Theodore Roethke

Creado el
Dec 2021
Ganancias del creador
En pausa
  • 360: Century rose