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Por 8E8C56
Por 8E8C56

Han Solo was one of the best known and most skilled smugglers in the galaxy. Along with his iconic and prized ship, the Millennium Falcon, and his co-pilot Chewbacca he was a well-known criminal famous for completing the Kessel Run in just 12 parsecs. He came to the aid of Princess Leia in her escape from the Death Star, eventually fighting alongside the Rebellion and providing covering fire for Luke Skywalker to deliver the killing blow to the Death Star.

The underlying card can only be sold according to the following terms:

  1. The payment of 1,000 ETH

  2. Via a 30-day smart contract auction (or then current technological equivalent) beginning on October 5, 2120 at 12:00 noon Eastern Time.

IMPORTANT: This card was tokenized as an heirloom collectible. The underlying card is set with an intentionally high strike price and an auction date set far into the future. This is done because the asset is historically significant as a “first of its kind” on the blockchain and the objective was to keep it on chain for generations unless a high strike price is achieved. The high strike price and long-term duration are both forms of artistic expression and a testament to the permanence of the blockchain.


Future asset value is not dependent on actions of the project, the asset custodian or any other third parties beyond asset care and custodianship. The terms of any future sale of the underlying asset were set and known to all parties at the time of tokenization and can't be amended. Token owners do not vote and even a future majority owner cannot change these terms. These tokens are community shared collectibles with pre-set exit terms, not investments.

The custodian of this smart contract and underlying assets is Blokpax, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company. Blokpax will insure the assets for current fair market value as updated annually and maintain asset safe keeping. All assets held in custodianship are subject to an annual audit.

Within 30 days of an underlying asset sale, the custodian will provide a mechanism for disbursement of the net proceeds (pro-rata to the crypto wallets holding the applicable tokens) and removing the NFTs from circulation or otherwise changing meta-data to reflect the underlying asset has been sold.

Ledger of Things collection image

Collect all the LOTTs (Ledger of Things Tokens) for any one “thing” and it’s yours.

Categoría Art
Dirección del contrato0xb5dd...602b
ID del token37
Estándar de tokenERC-1155
Ganancias del creador

Han Solo - (1977 Star Wars Wonder Bread #4 PSA 8)

125 artículos
1.1K visualizaciones
Precio actual
0.015 ETH
Publicado por 
Apoya al creador Este anuncio paga al creador de la colección sus ganancias del creador sugeridas.
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
    Diferencia de suelo
  • Ventas
  • Transferencias
Precio unitario

Han Solo - (1977 Star Wars Wonder Bread #4 PSA 8)

125 artículos
1.1K visualizaciones
Precio actual
0.015 ETH
Publicado por 
Apoya al creador Este anuncio paga al creador de la colección sus ganancias del creador sugeridas.
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
    Diferencia de suelo
Por 8E8C56
Por 8E8C56

Han Solo was one of the best known and most skilled smugglers in the galaxy. Along with his iconic and prized ship, the Millennium Falcon, and his co-pilot Chewbacca he was a well-known criminal famous for completing the Kessel Run in just 12 parsecs. He came to the aid of Princess Leia in her escape from the Death Star, eventually fighting alongside the Rebellion and providing covering fire for Luke Skywalker to deliver the killing blow to the Death Star.

The underlying card can only be sold according to the following terms:

  1. The payment of 1,000 ETH

  2. Via a 30-day smart contract auction (or then current technological equivalent) beginning on October 5, 2120 at 12:00 noon Eastern Time.

IMPORTANT: This card was tokenized as an heirloom collectible. The underlying card is set with an intentionally high strike price and an auction date set far into the future. This is done because the asset is historically significant as a “first of its kind” on the blockchain and the objective was to keep it on chain for generations unless a high strike price is achieved. The high strike price and long-term duration are both forms of artistic expression and a testament to the permanence of the blockchain.


Future asset value is not dependent on actions of the project, the asset custodian or any other third parties beyond asset care and custodianship. The terms of any future sale of the underlying asset were set and known to all parties at the time of tokenization and can't be amended. Token owners do not vote and even a future majority owner cannot change these terms. These tokens are community shared collectibles with pre-set exit terms, not investments.

The custodian of this smart contract and underlying assets is Blokpax, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company. Blokpax will insure the assets for current fair market value as updated annually and maintain asset safe keeping. All assets held in custodianship are subject to an annual audit.

Within 30 days of an underlying asset sale, the custodian will provide a mechanism for disbursement of the net proceeds (pro-rata to the crypto wallets holding the applicable tokens) and removing the NFTs from circulation or otherwise changing meta-data to reflect the underlying asset has been sold.

Ledger of Things collection image

Collect all the LOTTs (Ledger of Things Tokens) for any one “thing” and it’s yours.

Categoría Art
Dirección del contrato0xb5dd...602b
ID del token37
Estándar de tokenERC-1155
Ganancias del creador
  • Ventas
  • Transferencias
Precio unitario