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Part 2 - The bright, passion and growth.

About series:
Something happens once in a lifetime where some of our birthdays becomes a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward or backward. So happen this is today, 22.11.22. With that in mind, I decided to make this a meaningful 2 part genesis mint with the idea of a palindrome but with a slight duality twist. I wanted to capture the same subject but with a contrasting colour palette, hence the pseudo element. Despite how clearly opposed they are, they may very well be complementary and interconnected. I'd recommend to read both image descriptions of part 1 & 2 to fully appreciate how both are inversely equivalent.

This genesis edition is dedicated to my accidental founded love for photography over a year ago, which helped lift my inner-self into the skies as we were all going through turmoil times. So why not hop into the basket and join me on this journey, where I’ll be taking off to a whole new uncharted territory of my mind on how I perceive photography, one flight at a time.

About image: This was captured below the sky with both feet rooted onto the soil of the earth. Usually before take off, the basket is placed face side down, ready to fire up the burner into the wrinkly balloon. At a given time, the whole balloon started to take its shape and slowly rises off the ground up into the skies. Relating back to our lives, you will only reach your full potential height, when you learn to pick up the good bits off the ground where the failures were.

To restore balance in the universe, seek the counter duality part “Yin”.

Fun Fact: Although the cool tones may seem deceptive, I was burning at 30C / 86F capturing this image.

Photos were all taken as a single shot.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Pseudo Palindrome - Birthday Genesis Editions by JuicyJulio collection image
Categoría Photography
Dirección del contrato0x815c...2f36
ID del token2
Estándar de tokenERC-1155
Última actualizaciónHace 2 años
Ganancias del creador


22 artículos
84 visualizaciones
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    Diferencia de suelo
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22 artículos
84 visualizaciones
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
  • Precio unitario
    Precio unitario en USD
    Diferencia de suelo

Part 2 - The bright, passion and growth.

About series:
Something happens once in a lifetime where some of our birthdays becomes a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward or backward. So happen this is today, 22.11.22. With that in mind, I decided to make this a meaningful 2 part genesis mint with the idea of a palindrome but with a slight duality twist. I wanted to capture the same subject but with a contrasting colour palette, hence the pseudo element. Despite how clearly opposed they are, they may very well be complementary and interconnected. I'd recommend to read both image descriptions of part 1 & 2 to fully appreciate how both are inversely equivalent.

This genesis edition is dedicated to my accidental founded love for photography over a year ago, which helped lift my inner-self into the skies as we were all going through turmoil times. So why not hop into the basket and join me on this journey, where I’ll be taking off to a whole new uncharted territory of my mind on how I perceive photography, one flight at a time.

About image: This was captured below the sky with both feet rooted onto the soil of the earth. Usually before take off, the basket is placed face side down, ready to fire up the burner into the wrinkly balloon. At a given time, the whole balloon started to take its shape and slowly rises off the ground up into the skies. Relating back to our lives, you will only reach your full potential height, when you learn to pick up the good bits off the ground where the failures were.

To restore balance in the universe, seek the counter duality part “Yin”.

Fun Fact: Although the cool tones may seem deceptive, I was burning at 30C / 86F capturing this image.

Photos were all taken as a single shot.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Pseudo Palindrome - Birthday Genesis Editions by JuicyJulio collection image
Categoría Photography
Dirección del contrato0x815c...2f36
ID del token2
Estándar de tokenERC-1155
Última actualizaciónHace 2 años
Ganancias del creador
  • Ventas
  • Transferencias
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