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What is DREAM.EXE?

DREAM.EXE is a series of 3d generative artworks by Visual Swim, distributed as a novel implementation of durable blockchain storage and ownership.

Each token is permanently preserved onto the Bitcoin blockchain, inscribed on individual satoshis as an Ordinal. Each piece of content is encoded with the OwnerName EXIF metadata, pointing to an ERC-721 contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. Ownership is trustlessly managed by this smart contract.

This is an entirely new way to store the assets that back non-fungible tokens on Ethereum.

By inscribing the asset that backs an NFT on the Bitcoin blockchain, certain guarantees are provided around durability and censorship resistance (as compared to IPFS or Arweave). Your asset will exist, in perpetuity, on the blockchain. It is not subject to governance or subjective limitations of the network participants.

By treating Inscriptions solely as a durable storage mechanism, Once an Ordinal has been Inscribed, we release the UTXO containing the Inscribed sat to Satoshi's wallet, where it will exist forever.

Direct link to the Ordinal where this image is stored:

./dream.exe collection image

DREAM.EXE is a series of 3d generative artworks by Visual Swim, distributed as a novel implementation of durable blockchain storage and ownership.

Each token is permanently preserved onto the Bitcoin blockchain, inscribed on individual satoshis as an Ordinal. Each piece of content is encoded with the OwnerName EXIF metadata, pointing to an ERC-721 contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. Ownership is trustlessly managed by this smart contract.

By inscribing the asset that backs an NFT on the Bitcoin blockchain, certain guarantees are provided around durability and censorship resistance (as compared to IPFS or Arweave). Your asset will exist, in perpetuity, on the blockchain. It is not subject to governance or subjective limitations of the network participants.

By treating Inscriptions solely as a durable storage mechanism, Once an Ordinal has been Inscribed, we release the UTXO containing the Inscribed sat to Satoshi's wallet, where it will exist forever.

Dirección del contrato0x36e4...6740
ID del token
Estándar de tokenERC-721
Última actualizaciónHace 1 año
Ganancias del creador

dream.exe token # 51

46 visualizaciones
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    Precio en USD
    Diferencia de suelo
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dream.exe token # 51

46 visualizaciones
  • Precio
    Precio en USD
  • Precio
    Precio en USD
    Diferencia de suelo

What is DREAM.EXE?

DREAM.EXE is a series of 3d generative artworks by Visual Swim, distributed as a novel implementation of durable blockchain storage and ownership.

Each token is permanently preserved onto the Bitcoin blockchain, inscribed on individual satoshis as an Ordinal. Each piece of content is encoded with the OwnerName EXIF metadata, pointing to an ERC-721 contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. Ownership is trustlessly managed by this smart contract.

This is an entirely new way to store the assets that back non-fungible tokens on Ethereum.

By inscribing the asset that backs an NFT on the Bitcoin blockchain, certain guarantees are provided around durability and censorship resistance (as compared to IPFS or Arweave). Your asset will exist, in perpetuity, on the blockchain. It is not subject to governance or subjective limitations of the network participants.

By treating Inscriptions solely as a durable storage mechanism, Once an Ordinal has been Inscribed, we release the UTXO containing the Inscribed sat to Satoshi's wallet, where it will exist forever.

Direct link to the Ordinal where this image is stored:

./dream.exe collection image

DREAM.EXE is a series of 3d generative artworks by Visual Swim, distributed as a novel implementation of durable blockchain storage and ownership.

Each token is permanently preserved onto the Bitcoin blockchain, inscribed on individual satoshis as an Ordinal. Each piece of content is encoded with the OwnerName EXIF metadata, pointing to an ERC-721 contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. Ownership is trustlessly managed by this smart contract.

By inscribing the asset that backs an NFT on the Bitcoin blockchain, certain guarantees are provided around durability and censorship resistance (as compared to IPFS or Arweave). Your asset will exist, in perpetuity, on the blockchain. It is not subject to governance or subjective limitations of the network participants.

By treating Inscriptions solely as a durable storage mechanism, Once an Ordinal has been Inscribed, we release the UTXO containing the Inscribed sat to Satoshi's wallet, where it will exist forever.

Dirección del contrato0x36e4...6740
ID del token
Estándar de tokenERC-721
Última actualizaciónHace 1 año
Ganancias del creador
  • Ventas
  • Transferencias