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Vagina NFTs

Vagina Nfts are 200 handmade sculptures of vaginas.✨ The physical pieces come as a present to the first collectors with free shipping. 5% of our income goes to UNICEF. The project aims to destigmatize vaginas and women's sexuality overall in our society and the NFT space. Our artworks aim to show how every individual body is beautiful in its way and that everyone should love it the way it is. We are building an inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly🏳️‍🌈, and pro-feministic community inside the NFT space. ✨✨✨ Our collectors will have access to a safe space chat on Discord and Telegram. The project's curators are two Ukrainian artists Elza Berdnyk and Mark Symkin.

Erstellt am
Oct 2021
  • Size : 8 to 12 cm