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The Turing Test

The Turing Test The World First "NFT as a Game" (NaaG) A tribute to Alan Turing ----the father of computer and artificial intelligence. The Turing Test NFT Game is the world first "NFT as a Game". Messages from the Metaverse is encrypted in every "The Turing Test NFT" (TUR). People swap, exchange and stake TUR to play the game. This is the world first Dao Puzzle Game Series.
"When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you."----Nietzsche, You are part of the game once you hold a TUR. Be a player or NPC Episode 1 "The Imitation Game" Game 1: Call of Duty, Find your way to collect your TUR airdrop. Game 2: Code Blue Game guides will be published when 4004 TUR are collected. Game 3: Who am I Game 4: Treasure Hunting Game guides will be published in Discord on the releasing day. The releasing condition of the next game will be announced. "The Turing Machine" will be published before the end of Episode 1. Any one can use "The Turing Machine" to create a new Game.

Erstellt am
Jan 2022