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The Dours

Misfits. Weirdos. The unfortunate.

These are The Dours.

The Dours are a group of outsiders who haven’t quite figured things out yet. They exist on the fringes of society, but that’s honestly where they thrive best. Inspired by Edward Gorey’s classic book “The Gashlycrumb Tinies,” some of our Dours are met with some rather unfortunate obstacles in their regular daily life.

Does this stop them, though? HELL NO!!!

Despite these adversities, they press on, willfully accepting and pushing past any and all pain they may feel! They’re a reminder that it’s ok to not be ok.

The Dour battle cry is “Fuck no!” which, hopefully, you can adopt as you continue on throughout each dull, dreary day.

The Dours are created by Amara.

Erstellt am
Jan 2022
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