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The Chain

The Chain is crypto-art. The Chain is an art chain of Ethereum-based NFTs artistically and cryptographically linked together. A new block on The Chain is an NFT artistically inspired by the previous block and cryptographically linked to it. The Chain is therefore a mix of an Exquisite Corpse and Chinese Whispers on a cryptographic continuum. The Chain is visually a never-ending chain of artworks and cryptographically a continuous string of hexadecimal characters of the SHA-256 hashes of its blocks.
Genesis artists of The Chain include Horomox, Touky333, GiselX, MightyMoose, MaxCapacity, CyberShakti, Bard Ionson, Ilan Katin, Corpega, Xerak, Yeli RDGZ, Mera Takeru, Luluxxx, BnoiitC, Shortcut, CryptoClay, Kalen Iwamoto, Magda American Gangsta, Michelle Thompson, INA VARE, Stellabelle, Rutger van der Tas, Sasha Stiles, FelixFelixFelix, Norman Harman, Jay Delay, Miss Al Simpson, Abysms, Stina Jones, ROBNESS, Albertine Meunier, Angie Taylor, Yura Miron, Crash Blossom, Bea.eth, Panter Xhita and Skeenee.

Erstellt am
Sep 2023
  • Hash: 8edf2d87f72de9055f029cebf3c50b7ccf055324e4eddfbbda78feaf244ac25b