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Lindsay Kokoska

As a child, I often dreamt of lands that only existed within the books I had read. Little did I know at that time that there was a great book about a boy named Santiago, called “The Alchemist''. This story came to me when I had become jaded of the Western world. His journey became the catalyst to my own, and inspired me to travel the world, and seek out spiritual teachers. My journey took me across Asia, where I learned deeply about meditation and yoga. Later, I was drawn to be closer to great desserts, and moved to the Middle East, there I explored beautiful wadis, and oases. I then moved to Morocco, my heart became full here, surrounded by the vast, beautiful landscapes, and the magic of its people. This collection of artworks represents the cosmic dreams and visions I have had that were inspired by Santiago’s journey, as well as the one I have taken. Each piece depicts a feeling or part of the journey, that has become ingrained in me, offering me a lifetime of inspiration.

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Erstellt am
Mar 2021