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Project_01 - 44 Levels

Sometimes making the subject invisible helps to see in a better way the reality it contains and to capture that reality exactly as we see it, in order to preserve memories through time. This is what Katharine Burr Blodgett could do with her discovery of the 44 levels, this is the reason for our homage to the person who allowed us today, with her contribution, to access a forgotten reality that doesn’t cease to keep happening.

Through the drawn line and the line of the sound we will seek all of this. Every series or work of art will be a creative exercise for the passion of the meanings and of the signifier. To flush out or reinterpret new forms of reality.

ABOUT US: Studio Koel is a preconception-free art project that embraces several creative fields. A collective that aims with their style to affect design, art and communication through a synergetic interaction of Visual and Music.

TEAM → Mirko Ragazzoni (Guitarist / Composer / Producer) → Daniel Lavrano (Designer)

Erstellt am
Jan 2022
  • Chalkboard phrase: Spoiler 5